Friday, August 11, 2006

ahhhh sports

Yes it is once again the time for school to start and that only means one thing...
...SPORTS!!! everything from football to soccer and everything inbetween. time for the goals and points but most importantly the injuries. lets just see how many will come this year. I remember last year ended with 2 concussions, 5 rolled ankles, 1 broken nose, plenty of broken tailbones but i dont care. Yes i know that i am a magnet for all these things to happen again but who cares i love sports no matter what kind of injuries i may get as a result. i have been know as crash, the cuncussion kid and even bubble wrap but nothing can come between me and my love for sports. this year i am planning on participating in the following sports, Volleyball, Basketball, Soccer, and Swiming or Softballjust to see how stupidly i can get hurt neways this is my schpeel on sports and the many joys of winning and injuries neways util the goats milk runs dry >:D


Blogger psycho_chick said...

mwahaha i will continue to post about the injuries defeats and joys of sports

10:40 AM  
Blogger The Fri said...

lol! Wow, you are one sports-oriented person. I can't stand sports myself. lol. Enjoy. Laters

10:39 PM  
Blogger psycho_chick said...

i cant stand to not do sports i think that if i dont do basketball i will flip and probably go crazy

1:41 PM  
Blogger Breanna Monique said...

I wish I loved sports because then I could get that extra P.E. credit that I need. But in truth, I hate sports. But you can like them if you want, lol.

7:56 PM  
Blogger psycho_chick said...

for me its not just a sport its a lifestyle and its a major part of mine jk neways TTYL >:D

8:46 AM  
Blogger Breanna Monique said...

I admire you for liking sports. Not an easy feat. :)

5:24 PM  
Blogger psycho_chick said...

yeah but someone has to get hit in the face jk im going to see just how many times it is this year

7:17 PM  

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