Monday, July 10, 2006

the feelings left by my soul quest group

Group 12
Group 12 is our number
Group 12 ia our name
Oh sure were all different
But inside we're the same
The closest group SQ's seen
Not rejecting a soul
But respect every being
Together rejoice
Together sing
The miricle of it all
Is a God given thing
Of all the groups we ARE the BEST
Sure Soul Quest is good,
But Group 12 smoke's the rest
For only a week
In the middle of June
The memories forever
But departure too soon
At the end of our journey
What else to say...
Group 12= love Group 12 = love
Group 12= love yeeaaaahh


Blogger psycho_chick said...

not many people will understand this but for those of you who were at the soul quest experoence you know what i mean for the rest of you our group was real close this year so i would like to show the world just what they mean to me this one goes out to group 12

12:07 PM  
Blogger The Fri said...

That's kewl.

5:14 PM  
Blogger psycho_chick said...

yeah it was an awsome experience

11:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SAMIIIIIIII Says Yeah and right on! It was flippin awesome!

1:47 PM  
Blogger psycho_chick said...

group 12 sam? and yeah it was

4:20 PM  

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