Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The Black Duck Flies Again!

thats right at about 1:30 yesterday the black duck fully recovered and took flight later that day many of you have no clue what im tlaking about but the black duck is my unicycle and it is fully functional and ridding well mwahaha if i dont die then if only i had a sumbraro... jk Neways >:D


Blogger psycho_chick said...

if i get good enough i will try to ride it the first day of school bruhaha >:D

11:32 AM  
Blogger The Fri said...

lol... dude... That would be hilarious if you rode it the first day of school. It'd be the highlight of the whole year. lol.

2:27 PM  
Blogger psycho_chick said...

it would be people will either like it or think that im even more of a freak jk neways >:D

1:37 PM  

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