Saturday, July 22, 2006

If only i had a Sumbraro...

Summer has once again come and past. Soon there will be no more late nights, crazy swimming parties, and all the BACON you can eat but only another memory. So I would like to take the time to reflect on what all has hapened on another beautiful summer break. It all started with a wonderful sport of softball which until this year I have never played but have found it to be rewarding and fun even though we havent won a game. Also Vacation Bible School this year was awsome because I got to help with the little kids and my youngest cousin was in my group so it was all cool. Then comes the highlight of the summer SOUL QUEST 06 Battle Cry. The most rewarding and uplifting Christian youth camp that I know of. Just imagine an intire week without cursing, fights, drugs, or bad charecters. Just to give you a visual,you know how preachers always say that heaven will be like church they are wrong sure church is great but to be more realistic Heaven will be like Soul Quest. I hope you all get to have an experience like this so you know what heaven will be like when you get there. So if only i had a sumbraro...
... I would do the happy dance mwahaha >:D


Blogger psycho_chick said...

for those of you who dont think that sumbraros are awsome just look at septimish jones he was killed by a simbraro because he thought that they were fake so if only i had a sumbraro.....

2:37 PM  
Blogger psycho_chick said...

its suposed to say sumbraro i was dislexic and didnt see it neways Mwahaha >:D

11:42 AM  
Blogger The Fri said...

lol... yeah, summer is awesome dude. Most of the time anyways.

2:26 PM  
Blogger psycho_chick said...

i want it to end but at the same time i dont neways >:D

1:38 PM  

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