Making a Dream a Reality
i know that i have recently talked about creating a unicycle band, well in recent days i have lookid into it and found out that i am able to get one for cheap and that i also could get an accordian. But what realy surprised me was that i can get an accordian with a plug on it so that i can also have my hard rock accordian band on unicycles. This also means that i will be able to make my dream a reality when i do become a world known musition you can say you knew me in the early years so my fellow readers in the words of me "Remember the Alamo!" >:D
well the dream is becoming more of a reality bcause i have ordered the unicycle and it is on its way so i can start ASAP which will be awsome so in the random words of my brother "I am a grapefruit give me your crosaunts"
Ha ha... wow...
wow your toe mwahaha jk
Someone told me that you were going to ride it around the halls on the first day of school. Please do. I need the entertainment.
I think it was Sarah. Sarah, was it you?
not the halls sanchez would kill me but i might ride it around outside that would be fun neways TTYL >:D
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