Saturday, July 01, 2006

Decleration to the World

About two days ago i was estatic because i finally finished "moving" into my room i finnaly got all the boxes out and organized the best part is that i did it in three hours by my self i think that it is great neways i am also happy because we had some family friends over and thier kids came too and all the kids wanted to play and are soo cute so i got to see and play with people tha i am actually bigger than yeah me. >:D


Blogger The Fri said...

lol... "I actually got to play with people that I am actually bigger than." Wow. The simple joys of life. *grins* ttyl!

5:59 PM  
Blogger psycho_chick said...

heck yes they are but it was great one of the kids blake was like cling wrap every five seconds it was hold me for everything bt it was still a good night

7:43 PM  

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