Wednesday, November 01, 2006

The awkward clamness of sugar

yes it wounds like an oxymoron but it is not because sugar, pop, caffine, and coffee all make me clam way down. One of the reasons that they think that it does this is that they think that i have ADHD weeeeeeeee but realy i think that it is great because people can't call me retarded or crazy because there is a real name for it neways back to the title i wrote it this way because right now i am realy calm after eating a lot of candy and drinking a Mountain Dew so i am like about to fall asleep which is good and bad but i dont know neways TTYL >:D Yeah


Blogger psycho_chick said...

this is fun and exciting i hope you like it and if i come to school all hyper i just need caffine or sugar and i will be good mwahaha it is also a great excuse to still go Trick or Treating yeah me neways TTYL >:D

6:45 PM  
Blogger The Fri said...

I couldn't stay awake last night while I was doing my homework so I ate some skittles so I could actually concentrate. It was interesting. I had to eat a lot of them. Caffeine is my friend. lol. Well, ttyl!


8:51 AM  
Blogger psycho_chick said...

see now you know what it is like to be me everyday! lol jk neways TTYL >:D

12:42 PM  
Blogger psycho_chick said...

For those of of you who didnt notice yes it does say clamness because it makes me clam up and be calm jk neways TTYL >:D

7:22 PM  

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