Friday, August 11, 2006

ahhhh sports

Yes it is once again the time for school to start and that only means one thing...
...SPORTS!!! everything from football to soccer and everything inbetween. time for the goals and points but most importantly the injuries. lets just see how many will come this year. I remember last year ended with 2 concussions, 5 rolled ankles, 1 broken nose, plenty of broken tailbones but i dont care. Yes i know that i am a magnet for all these things to happen again but who cares i love sports no matter what kind of injuries i may get as a result. i have been know as crash, the cuncussion kid and even bubble wrap but nothing can come between me and my love for sports. this year i am planning on participating in the following sports, Volleyball, Basketball, Soccer, and Swiming or Softballjust to see how stupidly i can get hurt neways this is my schpeel on sports and the many joys of winning and injuries neways util the goats milk runs dry >:D

Thursday, August 10, 2006

General modesty

It seems today that wherever I go that you see men and women boys and girls dressing in revealing ways some more so than others. I feel that it is a real shame that society has this as an idea of fashion. Well don't be deceived, you can look great in a Christian manner that will look really nice but not have you half naked at the same time neways just remember that you don't have to fall to the ways of the general public

Monday, August 07, 2006

random thoughts

it seems that whoever you are or wherever you go you are influenced by different things and people. For instance you may hang out with many different types of people and whoever you are with at the time that determines what you will act like just to "fit in" sure its nice to be "in" the crowd but if it is not who you want to be than its ok just to be yourself sure you may be treated a little different or even treated differently but if you are ok with that then go right ahead because i feel that you will never get ahead in life if you are always following the same paths neways i know this may sound like a lot of mumbo jumbo but you have two choices read this and take thought to it or to just read it for a bed time story but ill leave that up to you neways for now live life to the fullest and have a party >:D

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Taco Bell Guy

Yes I know that this is a strange name to a post but it will all make sense after you hear the story. Well here it goes. It all started when we had a softball tournament in town and when it was all over my friend minda was going to take me home. Before we left town we started home we went to taco bell to get something to eat and well here is where the fun begins. We went in and I saw two guys that I went to school with but I didn't say anything to them. Minda on the other hand thought that one of them was cute so she was telling me about him so I told her "you mean Alec?," "I went to school with him." So for the rest of the meal it was hot guy this and dreamy eyes that, and it started to get a little boring. Finally her mom said why don't you go and get his number then? And minda was freaking out so I said you have to come with me and I will get it for you. Finally she agreed but when we were near the counter she turned around and left me so I got his number for her but then also got a little pay back on her for ditching me. I told him all about how she thought that he was Mr. Dreamy eyes and everything. Not even five minutes later he shows up at our table and looks at minda and says "my friend really wanted me to give you his number too" Minda turned the brightest color of red and me, her mom, and her brother started cracking up. It was awesome so now every time I go to Taco Bell or veen pass one I start to crack up because of what happened to minda news that's the story thought you ought to know news >:D